Beach Cleaning

I participated in a beach cleaning event which started from 27th August and ended at 25th september 2022. Our main motive was to eradicate waste which had been discarded around the Dumas beach. The waste included garbage such as glass bottles, vegetables, fruit peels, food wrappers,etc. But the most prominent and the dangerous one was the polyethene bag. Which is found to go inside the waterbody and cause troubles to the life below water.

Through this CAS Experience, I aim to learn about different environmental issues and how it can be solved. What i learned from this CAS experience is that there are several major issues caused around places such as beach, riverfront,etc. one of them which we can control by ourselves is throwing garbage. We as individuals are responsible for our act and we shall not choose to litter and pollute mother nature’s beauty.

We shall bring awareness amongst the visitors and engage them to not spoil and instead preserve our Environment.


LO4 : Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experience

In this CAS experience, I showed commitment and perseverance by doing the experience of beach cleaning. We went to Dumas beach early morning where we did cleaning such as picking up trash, garbage, bottles,polyethene bags,vegetables,etc.

We also spread awareness of cleanliness around the beach and to reduce and stop pollution near the beach areas so that the land and water, both are not polluted and maintain hygiene.


LO5 : Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Working in a pair or in a group of people would help us to collect more waste in a lesser period of time. Also, by seeing more people collect trash, it would motivate other people to join and help in sustaining the beach. working collaboratively would be efficient, bring more success, enhance communication,etc.


LO6 : Engagement with issues of global significance

the issues addressed here are land pollution, Climate change and human alteration. they can threaten the coastal habitat and the life below water which is a home to a wide range of species, some of them are very rare. The sustainability cycle can be damaged by the pollution of such places because they are crucial in keeping the large water bodies clean. Beaches would be destroyed if we don’t keep it clean.


LO7 : Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

By participating in the beach cleanup initiative and keeping the social reason in the mind, I contributed in cleaning the Dumas Beach. There was no profit or any sort of personal benefit which I earned, but as a responsible teenager, I felt this action was necessary and was morally and ethically right. Since it benefits the society and the community. Most importantly, it promotes cleanliness.




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