Trekking In Mount Abu

On an educational trip, I went to Mount Abu (an Indian hill station). We did a lot of trekking, caving, and other camp activities on this trip. We went forest trekking, one of them early in the morning to see the beautiful sunrise. Of course, this required considerable physical effort, particularly when ascending. Furthermore, it was quite slippery at times, so we had to keep an eye on each other.

LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As this was my first trek, I was unaware of the trekking process, but this experience helped me develop my social skills as well as realise how fit I was for trekking. I was exhausted and tired at the end of the trek, and I realised my body requires more stamina and fitness.

LO 2 – Undertaking New Challenges

Trekking was not difficult for me because I have a lot of stamina. Furthermore, I take great care not to injure myself. The most difficult challenge was that it became extremely hot during the day, and carrying bags made me even more exhausted. One of the difficulties was that if one of us stumbled, others walking behind might stumble as well.

LO 4 – Show perseverance and commitment

I needed a lot of perseverance for this activity because it required long treks and was extremely exhausting. Furthermore, it was extremely hot and possibly dusty. I did, however, complete everything and arrive at my destination. Because of my perseverance, I was able to witness breathtaking views such as the sunrise, beautiful mountains from the golden horn chimney, sunset from the mountain’s peak, and so on.

LO 6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

As we started climbing, we noticed trash all over the mountains, so we picked up any debris that came our way and gathered it in a bag, which we threw away once we finished. This is significant because we must not destroy our environment, and this garbage had the greatest environmental impact.

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