School Educational Trip

There was a school trip to Mount Abu which had many activities such as trekking, rock climbing, team activities, and more. The trip to Mount Abu was for 4 days and was my 3rd time going on a school field trip as I do not like going out of my house. Going on the trip was completely out of my comfort zone and I wasn’t sure if I would like it. But in the end, I created many memories with my friends and grade-mates, some good and some bad. This counts as an Activity.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills- Going on this trip was a challenge for me and the long treks and activities were new to me. As it was just the third time I was going on a school trip, I was extremely nervous The sir/guide there helped us in the treks and we learned a lot of stuff while there.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience- The trip was approximately 4 days long and there was also no coming back from the trip before the 4 days. I participated in all the activities there which included trekking through a jungle and between deep valleys.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively- There were team games that required collaboration and I participated in them. We worked collaboratively and we even won multiple games. We traveled in groups wherever we went which helped a lot. For example, while trekking at night, we used one person’s torch so the battery doesn’t run out and when the torch started dimming we used another person’s torch.

Pieces of evidence-

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