
Coding internships are training opportunities for students who feel coding is something they can participate in and get involved in software programming and development and gain more experience with coding processes used by many companies.One of the main task of a programming internship is to study company operations and follow instructions while developing creativity in computer development and programming. Undertaking deep research and analysis, creating software to support a client’s programming demands, creating codes, and monitoring systems for errors or inconsistencies may be among the tasks. It is also essential to keep an open line of communication and cooperation. Analysis, algorithm generation, algorithm profiling for accuracy and resource usage, and algorithm coding are all processes that are part of programming. A program is written in one or more languages that are readable to programmers. Finding a series of instructions that will automatically carry out a task, generally a problem-solving one that can be as complicated as an operating system on a computer, is the aim of programming. Hence, proficient programming typically necessitates knowledge in a variety of fields, such as the application domain, specific algorithms, and formal logic.

LO1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I Started by identifying the coding skills that I feel most comfortable with and enjoy doing. As I continued to code and learn new concepts,I started identifying and look for patterns in the areas where I excel. For example, do I tend to excel in object-oriented programming or data analysis? Identifying these patterns helped me narrow down my focus and prioritize my learning. Feedback is critical in helping you understand where you excel so I asked the colleagues/instructors working there by seeking feedback to gain insights into my strengths and weaknesses.I Embrace challenges as an opportunity to grow. They gave us various projects to push us out of our comfort zone and challenged us to learn new skills. Many coding challenges require creative problem-solving skills. A strong understanding of algorithms and data structures is essential for building efficient code and for the same they provided us with a Textbook “THE CLEAN CODE” to read and to change our point of view for coding. Coding often involves collaboration with others, so it’s important to develop strong communication skills. The colleagues working there were very friendly and helpful, they would spare time for us and showed us how the company works or how to work on projects and help us with difficulties.They explained why it’s important to stay up-to-date with new programming languages and frameworks, as technology is evolving day-by-day, how to make a plan to learn new languages and frameworks regularly to stay current with the latest trends in coding.


LO2:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Learning coding can be challenging, but with commitment and perseverance, you can overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.I Started by setting achievable goals for myself. I Broke down my larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks that I can work on each day or week. I even Celebrated my successes along the way, no matter how small they may seem. Consistency is the key when it comes to learning to code. I Treated coding like any other skill or habit that I want to develop.Coding is not easy , but I never  let that discourage you. There were times when I  encounter an error or bug in my code, but I felt like giving up is not an option. I kept working on it until I find a solution.The most important task was to Stay motivated: I kept my motivation high by focusing on my long-term goals and the benefits of learning to code, about how coding can help me achieve my career aspirations, develop new skills, and solve real-world problems.


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