FSMUN 9.0 Organising committee

FSMUN 9.0 was an astonishing event held on 19th and the 20th of November at Fountainhead school.It was organised by the fellow students of the school and I was one of them.I have really been fond of MUNs from a long time,I have taken part in multiple MUNs but as delegate in all of them and I have always been curious and excited to know how the committee plans and do all their tasks to perfection which made me more interested in being part of this FSMUN not as a Delegate rather as a member of the organising commitee,throughout these two days and even before that I have provided help to everyone who asked, from doing the decor to being an OC member in one of the committees to performing in the socials event I have done what the Core committee asked of me hence I wanted to include this as my CAS experience : Creativity and Activity.

LO 1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

This was there learning outcome that I have extensively demonstrated throughout the time period of this event, since the formation of the team in the late September(29th September) to the end of the event on 20th of November.In these two months I have been able to find my strengths and certain areas in which I need to work upon for a smoother conduct.My strength was to work well as team and giving good hospitality.I find out that I am a very good listener and I am always open to new and exciting ideas and that I treat them respect regardless of the quality of the idea.I was even able to manage a committee all by myself and ensured that the delegates were disciplined and respected their peers and their surroundings,I provided them with a microphone to speak, filled their water bottles and overall maintain decorum by trying to prove the best hospitality that I could offer as an OC member

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

There were various obstacles that were in our way prior to the event and on the day of the event as well.Before the event we had to order the resources, and give out a budget which needed critical thinking skills as we had brainstorm every small thing which could be included in the decor.We also used creative thinking skills as we had to decide the decorations and that what would look good on the day of the event.On the day of the event when there was shortages of resources such as delegate kits, chocolates,or even OC member we had to make quick decision making skills to eradicate the problem.All of this was very new to me but I am glad that I was able to overcome these challenges.

LO 4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAs experience

In order to complete this events lot of commitment was needed as Oc members serve as a backbone of this event so it was necessary that the OC members were dedicated to work they were assigned and I did the same,I did everything that the OC heads or the Core Committee members asked me to, even before the event, we were allotted 2 whole days for the preparations for this event and I worked in those 2 days as part of the socials team.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skill and recognise the benefit of working collaboratively

working with people is usually difficult for me as I have trouble expressing myself and my ideas to others.But for the first time I opened myself and contributed with the ideas and helped in making those innovative ideas come true.During the day of the event I had to work with many difficult people but I sticked to what the Core Committee told me to.I listened everything and treated with my utmost respect and then report the poor behaviour to the teachers or the Core Committee members and then necessary actions were taken.

To conclude, this was a fruitful event and helped learn a lot of things throughout the short span of 2 months.I demonstrated the learner profile, was communicator as I effective communicated my ideas and feelings with my peers and we all came up with new and unique ideas.The highlight of this CAS experience would be when managed a committee alone for almost 2 hours and tried to provide the best hospitality. Overall this event was huge success




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