Farewell 2023

We recently organised a farewell for our seniors, it required a lot of effort to come up with something distinctive. I was selected as a host for the event. We had to create our own script and it was so challenging as 4 of us had different opinions and had different drafts for the same, coming to one script as a whole and then give it for approval was a big task. I learnt a lot from these event which was at a big scale and the most important event of FS.

LO1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Practice speaking in front of others to build confidence and improve your delivery was challenging. The main task was to work on controlling your tone, pacing, and body language to engage the audience. As the host of the event, it was important to be professional and respectful at all times. Dress appropriately, maintain a positive attitude, and be courteous to all attendees. By developing these skills, I tried my best to create a memorable and enjoyable farewell event for our seniors.

LO2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Hosting a farewell involves much more than just reading a script. Farewell events can be emotional, especially if the people leaving are the pride of FS for a long time and has made a significant impact on us. It can be challenging to balance the emotional content of the script with the need to maintain a positive and celebratory tone. The tone of the script is critical to the success of the event. It should be celebratory and positive, but not overly sentimental or sad. Finding the right tone was challenging, especially when I was not so familiar with them. Planning a farewell involved tight timelines, this can make it challenging to find the time to gather information, write the script, and practice the delivery.

LO5:Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Effective communication is critical when organising a farewell. You have to communicate with the decor/dance team to set up the script accordingly. We need to make sure that everyone is updated with flow of the event. Working in a team allows for collaboration and sharing of ideas. We were a team of 13, we brainstormed together to come up with creative and unique ideas for the farewell. Each team member brought up different skills and expertise to the planning process. Some of them had experience in event planning, while others were skilled in public speaking or graphic design. This helped us to ensure that all aspects of the event are covered, and the event runs smoothly. Overall, working in a team lead to a more successful and enjoyable farewell. It encouraged collaboration and creativity, and improved communication and decision-making skills.








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