Math Trivia

Math Trivia is an inter-house event hosted every year for MYP students, a trivia competition testing student’s ability and knowledge aside from their formative and summative assessments. This event required preparing questions from the second round of math trivia and then conducting the final round. In this, I collaborated with 4 other students of my grade in order to go ahead with the event.

We divided our responsibilities to ensure each round covers different aspects of mathematics and questions of all complexities are included. The event required us to meet outside school several times and discuss the flow, division of work among hosts and role of each individual on the final day.

This was all successfully achieved on the day of math trivia wherein my friend and I hosted the entire event and were awed to see our junior’s answer. I enjoyed the aspect of hosting which coved public speaking as a primary skill and how one needs to address not only participants but even the audience.

LO’s that were met during this:

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

Mathematics is a subject that I enjoy a lot. Participating in math trivia over my MYP journey intrigued me to be a part of the event and find difficult yet understandable questions for my juniors.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Public speaking is a skill necessary to be developed by all, this event gave me an opportunity to develop the same. The essentials for addressing a crowd of an entire grade along with subject teachers and hosting a student lead event.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

This is an event that happens every year. However, for the first time it was a student-led event, here we planned the entire process prior to starting it, made deadlines for approval of questions from the teacher, and had a schedule for all drafts of the final presentation that was used for the final event. 

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

We were given a very short deadline and were informed about the massive duties only days before the event. Here, having meetings outside school wasn’t expected and we all went above and beyond to deliver an event without a hitch. No subject classes were missed nor were extra time given to us in school.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

We each divided our work to our strengths, it was imperative given the short time span. Here the work of preparing each round was given to a set of pairs and others reviewed the work as they worked. This ensured that all topics were covered and cohesive work was presented which enabled a smooth flow of the event.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Being a part of the organizing committee of an inter-house event it was often tempting to help people from my house although keeping ethical considerations in mind I refrained from doing anything of that sort.


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