Community Service 2021 – 2022

The school community service provided great opportunities to us students who wish to help children in need with extracurricular activities like arts & crafts, robotics, IT, sports, etc. It was a remarkable honor to be a part of this splendid event which was hosted by the school for 3 weekends. It was an experience I would trade for my late mornings with; cause not only did I get a chance to teach but also got to learn a lot from those children. And I wish to volunteer in the same event every time I get an option for the same. I always wanted to help children in need by providing the education I was privileged to receive. And with that thought and belief, I signed up for Community service to teach and learn from the children. The sole purpose of teaching at the event was to make a difference and to know that the knowledge I gained from my teachers could also benefit me and others. I’m adequate at arts & crafts and was a Visual Arts student. That’s why I am determined to volunteer in this and communicate my knowledge.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth.

During the experience, I recognized my strengths and weaknesses and tried to overcome them. One of the strengths I discovered about myself is that I was able to talk comfortably with the children, which helped me share my knowledge to the fullest. A weakness I came across was my patience. I was not very patient while they were working, but later on, I realized that it might be easy for me to complete the task in no time, but it is a little difficult for them, and I have to be patient and kind to them so that they can learn the task properly. Working on my weakness wasn’t easy, but I realized that it would be worth it because I would be able to teach them better in upcoming sessions and use this newfound strength in the future as well.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of workings collaboratively.

Working with everyone seems easy for me, as I have never felt shy about sharing my ideas and opinions with everyone publicly, and I’ve learned to adjust to things that could not be changed, which altogether makes it easier to work collaboratively. Honestly, during this activity it was neither easy nor hard to work with my peers, I feel so because we all had our own weaknesses and strengths and to work together, we had to let go of the annoyance of each other, and adjust to teaching the children better. And that is what mattered the most. There was no one in particular, but there were times when the volunteers wouldn’t learn the activities beforehand, or when they would skip a day or two, which made it pretty difficult for me, cause then the pressure would all be on me, to teach the children all alone with no helper. It is important to have a colleague working with you side by side, as it not only help you create better memories and experience but also helps the children learn with more enthusiasm, knowing that there are teachers paying attention to them, which makes them want to do a better job at what they are in process of doing.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

The issue that was catered at the community service is proving quality education to underprivileged students. As not all have enough resources, opportunities, and experience. I feel proud that my school takes the initiative to do something for those who cannot afford to have fun, like us. Therefore, it makes me engage more in the community service project every year. Also, knowing about this global issue makes me want to value what I’ve got, and be grateful to my parents for giving me all these opportunities to make better use of my life, which changes my perception, and ethics which leads to an increase in personal growth.





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