As part of the yearly school trip tradition , our school took our grade to Mount Abu where we performed activities like trekking , rock climbing and rappelling . This means starting our journey before the sun rises and trailing along the woods while the sun sets .
The following Learning Outcomes were acquired from the overall trip.
LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As a person who loves playing sports and performing physical activities, I knew trekking wouldn’t be a major task as playing several sports developed my stamina and endurance . Longer treks would eventually tire me but I kept myself moving and reminded myself ‘take a break , don’t quit ‘ . By the time it was the last day my body was worn out and couldn’t go further , but the support of my friends and the mentors kept me going and regain the leftover  strength to complete the last trek.  Rappelling however turned out different than I had imagined , the fear of heights distracted me while climbing , it made me fumble and trip but eventually I made it to the top . My desire to reach the top kept me going and the satisfaction of reaching the top took over my fears.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process .

Other than rock climbing and rappelling , we also explored caves . As instructed by the mentors , we slides between rocks and climbed huge rocks in between , walked through narrow passages trotted like mountain goats . The main challenge here was passing through a narrow space between two walls without any source of light , we had to jump into a hole without being able to see the bottom and squish between two and squirm ourselves out . Through this activity I learnt that there are many routes towards the end but we need to choose the correct path and try different methods to surpass the difficulties .

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in the CAS Experience

Preseverance and commitment were needed to accomplish the daily tasks as we all were basically stranded on a mountain with a bunch of friends without our phones far away from our homes . Everyday the set routine was getting up early and doing physically tiring activities and staying up late gossiping and enjoying bonfires with friends . Day by day it became frustrating to even get up in the mornings as the fatigue from the previous day added and stacked up . The thought of all the new adventures is what kept me going . I forced myself out of my comfort zone and dedicated myself to finish all the tasks as perfectly as I can .

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

After returning from treks , the mentors used to prepare group activities for us where we learnt the importance of collaboration , leadership and sportsmanship . In one such game we had to rely on our teammates to collaboratively accomplish the task and make sure we take the proper responsibility to not mess up as a player of the team . The combination of everyones strengths and weaknesses and figuring out how to improve out weak criteria through cooperation made it fun and competitive , it wouldn’t have been a fun trip without the company of others and thus the teamwork is what made it memorable .

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Places of tourist attractions in India are mostly where littering and spoiling pubic property is common . As an individual , I kept the premises around me clean by not littering the tracks I walked through and picking up any hazardous waste from the forests which I could dispose off .




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