Beach Cleaning

I took part in beach cleanup efforts to raise awareness and remove trash that had been discarded across the entire area of Dumas Beach for a long time, including polythene bags, glass bottles, vegetable and fruit peels, etc.

I will have a good understanding of the environmental issues we are dealing with as a result of my CAS experience, and what I have learned is that garbage is a major problem in and near beach areas, and we should keep our beaches clean by raising awareness and engaging in cleaning activities to preserve our ecological environment.


LO4 : (Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experience)

In this experience, I showed commitment and perseverance by doing the experience of cleaning the beach. We went to the Dumas beach early in the morning  where we cleaned the debris waste throughout the beach area and spread awareness to reduce and stop pollution in the beach areas so that the world may be a more cleaner place than before.


LO5 : (Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)

Working cooperatively will help us to collect more trash and also motivate us to collect more for good environmental sustainability, which will lead to more innovation, efficient processes, increased success, and improved communication, which made us clean the beach more effectively. Working cooperatively will help us to collect more amount of trash and also motivate us to collect more for environmental sustainability.


LO6 : (Engagement with issues of global significance)

Land pollution, human alteration, and climate change are one of the major issues being addressed here; they can threaten the delicate coastal habitat and the marine world which is home to a wide range of marine life. The sustainability of our ecological system can be harmed by beaches that are littered with detritus, so we should make the beach area our home and learn how to enjoy it without endangering it. Beaches can be destroyed if we don’t protect them properly.


LO7 : (Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.)

By participating in the beach cleanup initiative and keeping the social reason in mind. Together with my friends, I cleaned the beach by clearing away trash from the area and raising awareness of the need to protect the ocean and marine life, which will benefit our community. I felt that this action was morally right because it benefited both the community and my efforts to preserve the environment.




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