Creative mela volunteer

Fountainhead school has always organized events for students related to all different subjects. Be it monsoon musings for celebrating literature or Tarang where students showcase what they had learnt in their art special subjects throughout the year. Creative mela has been one of those events where students from PYP and MYP get an exposure to learn different types of art forms as per their choice such as Lipan art, garba, tie and dye and many others. 

I as a learner have always been inclined towards different art forms. Coming in DP had this only flaw where we are not exposed to such events however, we were given the chance to teach our juniors any one art form. Taking this as an opportunity to regain my interest I chose to teach tie and dye to the students of grade 7,8 and 9. Under the team of tie and die we were only 2 who had to teach 3 different batches for each grade 7,8 and 9 respectively.

While preparing for the event and even while teaching our juniors tie and die I had demonstrated many learning outcomes such as:

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:

To make sure that the event is a success, and all the workshops are conducted smoothly, I and my fellow mate had to make sure that all the requirements such as all the resources and even what designs we could ask the students to make had to be properly managed. For this, before the event prior research had to be done wherein, we also got a clear idea on the steps for making all the potential designs. Through the research we also got to know the required materials which we further shared with the in charges so that they could be available on the day of the event. 

It is very important to plan before the event as it makes sure that I as a team member am well prepared for the event and have all the required information. After planning and initiating for this event, I am pretty sure that I will now have less or no difficulties in further planning for other events and activities as I now have clear experience for this. 

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:

I as an individual sometimes find it hard to collaborate with my fellow teammates however this time it was me and my friend only in tie and die hence working with my friend made things easier in terms of communicating as I could freely speak up all the problems and together we sorted all the problems on the day of event and even before while planning the workshop. While the students came in for the workshop, my friend and I together had to first make sure that discipline is maintained, hence one of us made sure that students maintain the decorum and the other one had to start with the workshop. 

This event helped me learn the importance of working collaboratively where I understood that working together can complete tasks in an easier manner and faster as well. All this event helped me to improve my social skills wherein I not only had to collaborate with my friend but even with the main event coordinators and the in charges. 

To end this, creative mela as an event taught me a lot about collaboration and communication as I not only had to communicate with my teammates but even the students attending the workshop. A great event and success. Full of learnings and fun memories!


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