Learning Fusion 360 software

Fusion 360 is a famous CAD software that helps the user create 3D models. It is a software that is used in many engineering fields. Hence I ought to learn how to use it as a CAS experience. I learned how to use the software and its various features and made many models using it.


LO1(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)-

I had used a few 3D modeling software and I wasn’t good at making 3D objects. However when I used Fusion and learnt its tools extensively, I became fluent and my weakness became my strength. Now, I am able to make 3D models with ease which I had found difficult before. I still am not perfect at it and I still don’t know about all the features the software provides but my strengths in 3D modeling have surpassed my weaknesses after learning this software.


LO2(Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)-

The most challenging part was replicating things from reference images. The scale of the image and my model, small details, and certain complex structures were hard to create. I found it difficult and irritating to make real objects at first but then I practiced from sample designs that test the knowledge different features and tools. This made me realize the scope of the tools and each time I made an object, I learnt more about the features and how I could have made it more efficiently. The new skills of 3D modeling I acquired form the software now make me feel great since I know I can create almost anything I want. This skill was also important to acquire since it will be of great use in my further studies and career.


LO3(Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience)-

I had to plan and organize resources that I would use to learn the software. I had to research about them and use the best and most efficient resources. I also had to manage my time to learn the software along with studies. The planning part though was not much difficult and was done quickly, the initiation was however time consuming and I had to wait for weekends to create more models.


LO4(Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences)-

I had to be committed to this activity because I wanted to learn the software as quick as possible to start creating models. There were also multiple tools and I had to test my knowledge on almost all of them by completing self-paced tutorials and doing exercises from online resources. But the perseverance paid off in the end and it took me very less time to learn the software, however creating models took time as I only had additional time on weekends due to regular studies.

While learning and using the software I had demonstrated these learner profile attributes:

Inquirer- I had to research and learn the software on my own and had to inquire about the software and the sources to learn from.

Reflective- I had to reflect my knowledge of the software by using it and creating multiple 3D models of real life objects. I also reflected on my learning by giving a small test to see if I know enough about most of the software and its features.


I had always been a fan of recreating real objects as 3D or 2D representations and creating new things. The software and the knowledge to use it helped be fulfill this desire. After seeing my ideas come to life, I felt amazed to see how technology has advanced from physical drawings to 3D models and how it is accessible by anyone’s fingertips.

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