I have been playing badminton for a very long time now. I used to see it just as a regular activity but as i kept playing and getting better i started to try to play more competitively, but there is always room for improvement.
LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
I identified my strengths and weaknesses throughout the time I was playing and practicing badminton. Now that I’m aware of these strengths and weaknesses I feel I’m able to play better and continue to improve. It’s important to know strengths and weaknesses because that is the only way you can get better.
LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
A main challenge occurred when I participated in a badminton tournament. The challenge was that the weather changed multiple times in one day. It would get very cold in the morning, then become very hot, then very cold again at night. This was a challenge because as an athlete it interferes with my ability to play, because sometimes it becomes very hard to breathe and maintain stamina. I overcame this challenge by giving myself time to get used to the weather which then led to improvement in my gameplay.
LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
I had to show commitment and perseverance because i’m not very athletic. I had to show commitment because to improve my game I had to practice a lot and without it, neither my athleticness nor my game would have improved. Showing commitment is important because it leads to improvement and better performance.
I love playing badminton so this brings a sense of accomplishment along with completing the goal of being fit. One thing I learned from this activity is that physical activity is very important for your body. Heeding this, in the future, even if I am stressed due to a lot of work I will still give time to do some physical activity.