Educational Trip – MOUNT ABU

We went to an educational trip to Mount Abu, which was packed with trekking as well as caving and other activities.We were accompanied by some mentors and volunteers over there and our batchmates whom we knew each other as classmates but not as an individual.However I was bit nervous as I am a very homesick person and was going on a trip with a bunch of strangers. Although late night gossips, getting to know each other, and finding out how we all belonged to the same tribe was so much of fun. This trip helped me discover the actual me and how we are responsible of our own actions.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

One of the greatest strengths, in my perspective, is perseverance; accomplishing some tasks required a lot of fortitude and guts. Although I did’nt allowed my anxiety take control of my actions, I always reminded myself to continue going even if I stumble. On this journey, I learned how to work together and realised that it simply takes a matter of reaching out to others and listening to them in order to overcome complicated challenges together.When we completed challenging treks together, it seemed like a major achievement which indeed boosted the fun and every trek was worth the view.It was difficult to participate in many activities because they required stamina and physical endurance. As I completed them, I became more conscious of my own abilities and potential for growth. It was challenging to adjust to the fact that the atmosphere changed while we were trekking because it was hot and exhausting when we started in the afternoon and was frigid when we finished.


LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 

I must admit that it was a tremendous challenge to be away from all that social media chaos. A significant challenge was overcoming the lack of clicking pictures,Instagram stories, postings, and contact with my folks back home. However, as time passed, the demand for phones never emerged. We developed an appreciation for nature, understood the value of interpersonal relationships, and came to the conclusion that nothing was lost. Moreover, the lengthy walks constantly reminded me the necessity to preserve my energy throughout.


LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

This activity required us to demonstrate a significant amount of patience because it involved long hikes that was very draining. Moreover, it was scorching hot. I did, however, accomplish everything and achieve where I was heading. My persistence allowed me to see spectacular sights like the sunrise, breathtaking mountains from the golden horn chimney, the sunset from the top of the mountain, caving and many more.


The camp was delightful and thrilling everywhere throughout. Going on this trip made me realize how effective a digital detox can be and how vital it is to spend time away from technology as we are too involved in it on a regular basis. Altogether, it was indeed a memorable trip.


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