FSMUN 9.0, Delegation of The French Republic

I was very excited about this particular experience. During this experience, I participated as the delegate of The French Republic in the United Nations Office For Outer Space Affairs. I set out my goals for this experience to win an achievement during this event and more importantly to give the best that I could. For some context, FSMUN is a MUN that happens in our school every year. This event happens on 2 days of the weekend, this time on 19th and 20th November. There are many committees but the GIST is for you to improve your debating and socializing skills through the 6 committee sessions.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Before the committee sessions started, I began to identify my strengths and weakness, both as a delegate of France and personally as well. From my reflection, I was able to understand, that while I was quite confident in my speeches, and arguments, I was not so sure about my socializing & bloc forming skills, alongside research for allegations against my adversaries. I felt somewhat underprepared, however as the committee sessions went on, I strangely felt confident to lead alliances and form blocs. It was quite important for me to do this reflection. It made sure that I could use the very limited time that I had for research wisely and make sure that all the information that I was learning was actually put to use during the committee sessions. By doing this, I directly worked on my weakness and felt that they were slowly and steadily converting into my strengths.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

While I was doing this for the 3rd time, it was still challenging due to the gap that I took for MUNs. It was about a year before I had done a MUN, which meant that I had a lot of things to cover up. However, with the help of study and delegate guides, I was quickly back up to speed and able to connect all my knowledge to experience. Now that I was able to tackle the challenge effectively I think and feel that I can “adapt” to any challenge which I have to do. Such that I can get out of a challenging situation, even if I don’t have the initial skills to do so. It makes me confident that I can take up more of these events in the future. It is important for me to take up these challenges, as it allows me to know my mental limits, as well as push them even further than what they are now. Socializing, and bloc-forming skills were developed with the help of this challenge. This skill is very useful, especially when I enter my professional life, where communication can be a game changer. Acquiring new skills like these, make me feel very good and give me a sense of relief.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Long before this event even started, I began to plan out my research and skill development process. While I am usually not an organized and planned person, this was a good change. I felt really good organizing and planning my learning because it allowed me to reduce the burden of the event and made sure that I could effectively be able to compete in the event. While the planning was quite easy, actually doing that plan was quite difficult. This is because there was no real motivation for me to actually work on the event. However, when I realized that it was about more than just speeches and also about debating and heated arguments, I started to take the plan more seriously. I developed the skill to distribute all of my tasks in smaller parts so that the actual planning of the event is easier. This was of great help, especially when I was implementing my learning plan. I think that because of this initiating and implementing would be better in the future for me. I would be able to identify an intrinsic motivation that would keep me engaged in following the plan. Knowing how to plan and implement makes you more prepared for more such events in the future.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

It is generally quite difficult for me to work in teams because people don’t really come to a consensus and mostly there is no chance of negotiation. While it was difficult for me to work with people for the above-mentioned reason, I still had to do it. I encountered the UAE delegate, who was quite difficult to work with. According to his foreign policy, he should have been my ally, he was constantly accusing me. This was not expected and accepted by him. He also did not sign our working papers. I made several attempts to convince him to sign our working papers, however, he choose to go against his foreign policy (while trying to call me a “hypocrite”). I found other delegates who would sign, however, that wasn’t enough to make our working paper pass. It was quite important was me to work with a team, as it made sure that the working paper that we made, was satisfying everyone’s requirements.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The agenda of our committee was mainly regarding the “offensive” militarization of space. This issue is globally significant as it affects everyone. The weaponization of space means that the entire humanity is put at risk of nuclear warheads orbiting in space at 27 times the speed of sound! Knowing all of this means that I am aware of global issues and global political situations. I mean that I am aware of the what are the implications of space militarization. This makes me feel a little sceptical of the efforts of many nations, trying to develop space weapons, however now that I am aware it makes it feel responsible to spread this information and take the right steps.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

This is one of the best parts of the event for me to talk about. On the second day, the delegate of UAE tried to attempt and complete a sting operation on me. It involved a recording of what I am saying intentionally without informing me that the recording was still on. Sting operations in any United Nations committee are prohibited and the delegate doing the operation could be barred from the committee permanently. I could have informed the chair that the delegate of UAE did a sting operation and got him fired, however, it indirectly affected me as well, as I didn’t have an “ally” while working on the working paper. The issue honestly made me feel powerful. I finally had the power to remove a delegate from the committee if I wished hard enough. However I also felt that he shouldn’t be removed for petty reasons, so I didn’t inform the chair. My opinion shifted from removing and then not, and ended up keeping the delegate’s dignity.

Finally in the end I developed the learner profile “communicators” as throughout the entire event I had to communicate to the committee, as well as to delegates and chair, while also negotiating with other delegates for the same. My perspective on abusing power did change, as I saw other delegates’ conditions. I did feel quite productive after the event and felt that it was a complete success despite my shortcomings and coming 3rd place in the event.

Here are some photos:

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