Farewell (PROJECT)

I was the overall student in charge of Farewell 2023, a farewell celebration is given from students of grade 11 to their seniors as a parting gift. It is considered to be a huge event wherein organizers creatively invite them, continuously keep giving them certain surprises and finally host the big event wherein activities are conducted along with some dances as a token of appreciation and walk down their school memories. Here being the overall student in charge I was entrusted with the responsibility of making sure that everyone adheres to their duties, coordinating with teachers and higher authority, work is done beforehand and that the event does without any obstacles.

LO’s that were met during this:

LO1  -  Identify your strengths and develop areas for growth.

After volunteering at multiple events, I developed the strength of working in event management. I worked for multiple decor teams and was a part of the organizing committee in many such events thereby being able to manage things efficiently and get the work completed for the event. Being involved in group projects and often taking up the lead also paved the way for being the overall student coordinator, which required juggling a lot of work together. 

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

I majorly developed communication skills through this experience. The event consisted of 41 students as a part of the organizing committee and we had to get approval from the higher authority for every single plan/action. In the beginning, I struggled a lot as I had a way of doing things, due to miscommunication there were internal conflicts however over time we were able to pull off an extremely successful event. 

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Being the overall student in charge, making an entire plan of things for my CAS project was imperative. We had a ton of things that were supposed to be done before the final day and were in a time crunch, here because of proper planning and scheduling the event came to be a success. 

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

One of the issues with organizing the event was that we were only allowed to work during early in and free slots which continued for a span of one and a half months, being the overall student in charge I had to come for every single of these sessions, in fact, we worked on a Saturday too, showcasing a lot of commitment for this farewell. Multiple times people met outside school and made sure that work was done, going above and beyond for the event. 

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

As talked about before numerous students were involved in the event, and duties were divided amongst people where there were leaders for decor, dance and music, games, logistics and hosts. This benefited the event as they were allocated as per each person’s strengths and experience, giving dynamic ideas and making the final day run smoothly.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Being the student in charge, my duty was to divide things between people equally and such that each member involved in the event contributed towards the success. While choosing people I chose to remain ethical and do the selection process as per the volunteer’s ability.


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DjgN7GScy0[/embedyt]

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