The Mount Abu trekking trip that will always be remembered ,this trip made me realize my strengths, and my weaknesses and more over getting to know myself a little better. We did end numbers of activities such as trekking, caving, rappelling,mountain climbing and other camp activities on this trip. The fun of gossiping till late at night, getting to know each other better and better , singing song together with our whole enthusiasm . Moreover getting to know the people around us and the culture they follow. The nature and people were so pleasing to talk and watch too . While on the way of our destination we even find out various types of plants and trees .

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

One of my biggest strengths is that I love doing sports and related activities and I have completed many trekking trips before which was way harder than this though I keep one thing in my mind which is not giving up, some activities required a lot of strength and courage in the course of doing it. There was one activity which I thought I wouldn’t be able to do but I did take control over my actions and I reminded myself constantly to not give up and try even if I fail. It felt like a big achievement when I overcame my fear and encourage other to do the same. After reaching our destination and completing each activity felt like a relief with a great spirit.

LO2: Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 

As I’m good at trekking , I took every challenge which was given to us and completed it but , there was this one activity (mountain climbing / rappelling)  which I felt was difficult and was afraid to do as I was the first one to do it . Without any expertise in climbing rocks and related stuff I reminded myself I can do it ,I have came so far doing all the tasks so I will accomplish this too.  Through this activity i developed a new skill of climbing rocks / rappelling , which will help me in my future trekking trip without any struggle.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in the CAS Experience 

Before, reaching the trek destination I had many random thoughts like would I be able to complete the task given , how I would be able to mange walking and climbing on a slippery and rocky roads and many more . But during this phase my dedication towards making it was so powerful that this things mention above would not trigger me while reaching there . Most importantly during few task / activity I tried to complete it , while getting out my comfort zone. It was possible because I listen to my mind keeping it my first priority All together it was a great achievement.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I strongly believe that working collaboratively makes your work easier and more efficient . From this trip I got to know working in a group makes the work faster and feasible . Helping each other during the tasks and encouraging them to do give their best was a great achievement for each and every person out there. This made the trip more fun and memorable. We all created a new memory which will be remembered in future too.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 

As we were trekking we noticed some trash which was harmful to nature as it was non-biodegradable and harmful for the animals as well as for human. I and few of my friends picked as much trash as possible to make even the slightest change possible. Even the teachers and our guide contributed with us to pick up trash .


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