All kinds of organizations face the basic management problem of how to get the
resources necessary to finance their activities and achieve their objectives. With this
in mind, nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are distinct from other organizations as
they typically rely on multiple sources of funding including, e.g., membership dues,
private and corporate giving, government grants and contracts, special events, or
earned income like revenues from sales and fees for services. However, not only
monetary resources but also in-kind resources and labor (paid and voluntary) are
essential for many NPOs in order to sustain the achievement of their mission in terms of specific public benefit purposes like, for instance, helping the needy . So , I decided to volunteer the alcemy charity flea with some of the organiser , we made a fake coupons from which students of different NGOs can buy different types of products , for free including cloths (all sizes age group of 1-18)  , shoes , toys , home decor , etc  for free , while also learning how money works in present world . We even held a dance learning session and art learning session for them .

LO1:Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

While working in this charity flea I worked upon many areas , which includes identifying the product and where it should be , moreover I got a task of looking for childrens facing problems and was allotted to capture and click pictures of the people present there with all over organization . Through this I learned how important is to be clam and patience in your work to achieve and gain a successful organization . I worked upon the tasks mention above for 6 hrs , which also checked how capable I am to be active in my work , it was difficult the manage everything while helping childrens of NGOs beside. Overall , this CAS helped me focus on many things .

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

There were many challenges that I worked upon , even though didn’t have a professional expertise in photography I took a challenge to click photographs of the whole NGOs organization around me . Surprisingly  the photos turned out to be very good and I received many compliments . I wouldn’t have known that my skills would be this good if I haven’t undertaken this challenge. Moreover I also took the challenge of being a leader for many childrens and teach them the importance of money and how to use it later in their future , this not only helped me worked upon my teaching skills but also motivated me to learn more about the economics in the present world .

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

As a volunteer, we were instructed to make the fake money coupons , manage the designs , make the boardings , placements of the products , etc . Our plan was to make the children out there comfortable and feel happy about who they are and what they have , through this we invite few groups of NGOs who help unprivileged childrens . We also invited a group of people who teaches dance and fine arts , which helped childrens to learn more about it . Our motive was to make them self satisfied about themselves as individual . We plan to give them things like toys , footwear , cloths ( all sizes ) , candy / chocolates making countainear , traditional wear , reading books , etc.

LO5:Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Working collaboratively really helped to get more socialize , encourages me to work on problem-solving techniques ,  allows me as well as other members  to learn from each other , the productivity rates went up when we started knowing each other better , this makes solving problems a much easier process. All this things mentioned above is very difficult to achieve when we work as a individual but , through working in this flea I achieved all the circumstances and benefits needed and helps working collaboratively .

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Through this flea we looked after one of the global issue that is , we organized a fine craft / art which includes the art related to plastic , we all collected plastic waste near our locations , through which children’s made a pencil case . This was not only saving the environment from being polluted but also helped each and every children have a new pencil case of their choice .

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