GYM ( Activity )

Exercise is something that is integral to a person’s physical well-being. Even though it is something that I did regularly in school, it fell off when the global pandemic hit, and apart from doing it a few times here and there, it became almost non-existent for me.I stopped participating in competitions. Before covid I used to participate in soo many sports as I was an National KUDO player I used to represent ( GUJARAT U-17 GIRLS ) and I have won bronze medal for gujarat . Taking this case mention above I thought of getting into shape again So I decided to do regular physical exercise in the form of home and gym routines to focus on my physicality and athleticism. I decided to work upon myself for around 4-5 months.

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

I used internal reflection to identify my physical strengths and weaknesses, which was made easier by using reps as a measure of my initial abilities. By measuring how many reps was I able to do in a given physical activity like pushups, I was able to compare it to later values and other average rep counts, which helped me to identify which muscle areas required more work.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

After I stopped working out , one of the biggest challenges that I faced initially was having low stamina and endurance. Due to that it used to get difficult for me to do high reps and I used to get tired very early on in the session and wasn’t able to reach my potential. But eventually in a month or so, I worked on them by being regular and maintaining a proper form while doing particular exercises.One of the skills that I developed was ‘discipline’ by following a strict healthy diet and taking all the meals at a proper/required time and making that a habit.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

This long-term experience required numerous planning and execution. from the research about workouts and the right ways to do them, to working out for more than a month altogether, all required motivation and knowledge. I was able to plan the required information and by doing so I was able to see effective results in my own body and feel more confident.

LO4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I always thought of going to the gym but never had the motivation to do so and never did it before. The introduction to CAS was an opportunity for me to successfully do gym. I had gym 6 days a week.5 days of the week I had school so after returning from school tired and still doing gym was evidence of showing commitment. It was easier to commit to things but due to a load of studies and all it’s now difficult for me to commit to things. Yet, I still manage to commit to things in order to do it by committing I have no option of not doing it. By committing and preserve improves the quality and the quantity you do since the commitment and preserve keep you motivated.


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