Global Odyssey

The Global Odyssey program provides experience, either immersive or through a special class, in order to spark my global curiosity and develop my global competence.Through Global Odyssey, students are given a unique opportunity to relate to and experience the world, fostering in them the ability to understand and act on issues of global significance.We, the students of grade 11 have organized an event called ‘Global Odyssey’. This is an event to exhibit learning across subjects from Humanities including business management, psychology, ITGS, Economics, Global Politics. We were focusing on the concepts of Globalisation, Innovation, and Ethics. There were various teams like entertainment, food, logistics, fashion , finance and decoration team. Through which I appointed to be a part of photobooth which was under fun activity .

 LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

I have an inclination towards photography. Therefore, I decided to take the responsibility of the photobooth. I even like a bit creative stuff, hence being the in-charge of the photobooth I had also helped my group in making the props for the photo booth and the rest of the decoration as well.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenge have been undertaken and developing new skills in the process.

Being in the photobooth group it was expected by everyone others to get different types of props but still related to our theme. Hence, the most major challenge which our group faced was to speculate what should be the decorations about and the selling different types of photos which might bring the maximum number of customers at our stall.

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Finding challenges and difficulties in thinking of how to make profit with just making photobooth ,at start brought all the group members to segregate our thoughts. Dividing the thinking work and delegating tasks to everyone our group got a more clearer picture of our purpose for the event on the main day.

LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Being a team it was everybody’s responsibility to do the task assigned we could not blame each other if something was left. We always made sure that everybody was doing the work assigned without any difficulty or if they needed help we were always there to help each other in the work. And most importantly all of us motivated each other to work as best as we could and not give up. That was the main part of working as a group (we would not let anybody get demotivated).

LO 6 – Demonstrate engagement with the issues of global significance.

Whatever profits we earned on the day of the event, around 5% of its share was donated to an NGO . This particular NGO helps the major global issue which is human trafficking. A medium of technology and art is used my the NGO to bring a social change.

LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choice and action.

Our stall was related to photobooth and as our group had decided to sell differents types of of photos like polaroid , normal print , customized print items and many more with all types of fonts. During this process papers were getting wasted is a great concern in the world hence it will be an ethical task if we do not let the food being wasted. Also, 10% of the profit which was donated for Missing Girl NGO was ethically donated without any wrong accounting.




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