This entrepreneurship programme includes strategic thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills of an entrepreneur . These skills would allow me to cope up better with challenges in my day to day life. Nurturing a culture of entrepreneurship spirit will also help me in creating and achieving realistic goals.I will be learning more about the main idea behind entrepreneurship, how people nowadays come up with different ideas and the perfect solution . Through which I worked upon one of the problem in recent times and came up with ( Bibliobond ) .At the end of the programme I will be creating a shark-tank style business pitch for multiply ventures.

LO1:Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

During this programme, I got to learn many things from which, I personally struggled to manage to figure out the money inputs and outputs of the app. Furthermore, I found out that my management skills were up to date ,I was able to complete all the task given to me before the deadlines like making business models for the app , finding out what will be the fixed cost and variable cost, and many more. Moreover, I saw a change in me during this course that is I started to understand the things that were being taught in school mainly in the subject of ( Business management and economics ) , I was able to connect it with real life situations. Eventually , during the end of this course , I learned how to make a shark tank like pitch for multiple ventures.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

There were lot of challenges that , I faced during this programme like making sure how to reach my customers with available resources , why they would be interested in joining our app , what is the economic scale at this and how to connect it with my app at present , what will be my cost structure , how should i make money and the revenue streams ,how will you disruption and differentiate?, learn to dazzle: making a pitch . All of this challenges helped me making my idea more clear and understand about the present economic state and how to make pitch for more interesting , achievable and thoughtful so that ventures would invest in your app.

LO5:Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

In this programme , we were divided into a groups of three , which really helped me organize the the app . By working in a group there were many ideas from different point of view which made us think even critically and coming up with effective advantages . Moreover , we came up with the idea that the person who is not good in a particular task will be given that task to do rather by just giving it the the person who knows what comes under that task , which made each and every person in our group knowledgeable about the programme at the end of it. Furthermore , I was facing problem in making customer profile , but by the technique mention above really helped me in understanding it and finally completing it , which would help me working collaboratively in near future .

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Keeping global significance in mind , during the process of making the app , I  came up with an idea that rather than purchasing the same kind of book by different people , one can read  the book at a given amount of time and return it to the owner , which then owner can give that same book to another and continuing the process . This particular thing will reduce the usage of papers and also reduce deforestation. By keeping all precautions in mind we came up with environmental free app.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

During the beginning and ending of the course , there were  many choices and actions taken by us keeping all the rules and regulations in mind . Some of them were submitting every task and work provided to us before deadlines , listen everyone’s opinion without arguing , teamwork is the best key for a successful business , respect the person who took their time off to teach you ,and many more . Taking all these choices the end outcome was distinct.


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