ADVERTISING COURSE ( by clever harvey)

The Advertising course is an in-depth study of concepts, designing, marketing, communication, strategies, planning of advertising marketing. So, I thought  taking up this task and I collaborated with Domino’s through clever harvey. Where I created the ad, I also have to solve a special challenge for the marketing team of Dominos, given by the Domino’s CMO. Advertising courses main aim is to teach learners the principles of advertising and marketing. On the last day of session , I will present the video ad that I will make on Invideo .This will be supported with a premise and a storyboard. All of the will be done with a customer base in mind. All of these elements are part of an Industry document —A Creative Brief.

LO1:Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

During this programme, I struggled with few tasks such as making a segmentation tree for our ad and customer profile . Later , I connected it with my subjects economics and Business management , I worked upon this areas learned the basics and completed the given tasks . However , through this course I found out that I was very good at making video script and perception maps . Which really helped our team to figure out our target audience and get a clear idea of what we are working on .

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

In this course there is every day task given to our team , we used to spend 2 hrs everyday completing our task which includes tasks like (Making a Statement: Introduction to Marketing & Advertising,What Types of People Buy From You? ,Who Is Your Customer? Targeting an Audience,What Makes People Buy? Value,Where Everyone Knows Your Name: Brand Image,Beating the Competition: Positioning & Perception Maps,Storyboarding our Ad for Domino’s!,6 Positioning Strategies,Intel With Market Research,Where it All Comes Together: Product, Place, Promotion, Price, at last design and pitch an original video ad for Domino’s!) . All this challenges were difficult to work on but as minimal amount of time given our team and I were able to complete all this tasks . Through this my time management skills was also improved.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

While working on this project , We have to make a plan on what type of advertising we are working on, how to target our audience in market ,what type of customers we should focus on, will our ad be successful , was our idea appropriate for the society , Was it illegally harming the competitor or not . We were supposed to make a plan on all this tasks , and at the end of programme present our whole plan with the help of invideo.

LO5:Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

In this programme , we were divided into a groups of three , which really helped me organize the the ad . By working in a group there were many ideas from different point of view which made us think even critically and coming up with effective advantages . Moreover , we came up with the idea that the person who is not good in a particular task will be given that task to do rather by just giving it the the person who knows what comes under that task , which made each and every person in our group knowledgeable about the programme at the end of it.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

During the beginning and ending of the course , there were  many choices and actions taken by us keeping all the rules and regulations in mind . Some of them were submitting every task and work provided to us before deadlines , listen everyone’s opinion without arguing , teamwork is the best key for a successful business , respect the person who took their time off to teach you ,and many more . Taking all these choices the end outcome was distinct.



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