Participating in the GDGISMUN

I have never been a very communicative person, although writing has always been my voice. This MUN was a way to help me express myself and prepare me for the future where I would be able to speak up but also have the comfort of writing. During this MUN, I was a part of the IP committee where I had to journal all the things going on in the other committees and write articles about it. I also had to take interviews and be a part of press conferences where I had to ask multiple political questions to other delegates. This proved to be very challenging for me since I don’t usually speak up in front of so many people. I am also not very interested in politics and international law, hence this MUN turned out to be a little more challenging and tricky for me. 


LO1 (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)-

This experience helped me reflect on my own strengths and weaknesses. I was able to understand that I am not good at public speaking and tend to get nervous in front of big crowds. I identified my areas of strengths too, such as the ability to express my voice through my pen. This really helped me grow as an individual and made me reflect on myself. I could take away from this that, at last, I should continue to do things I am good at and try to work at things I am not the best at.


LO2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)-

Throughout this MUN, I decided to overcome my fears and be communicative. I spoke during all the interviews and press conferences, formed different questions and interacted with people. Even though it was really difficult and challenging for me, I felt like I had conquered something. I improved and worked on my social and communication skills which made me feel more confident about myself. It gave me hope that the next time I try something new, I’ll do even better.


LO6 (Engagement with issues of global significance)-

During this event, we talked about different global issues of significance. I wrote an article about the UNSC and all the different issues they talked about during their committee. They talked about the Ukraine-Russia war at large and how it impacted the entire world. I also asked different questions based on this during my interview and press conference. Hearing about this made me feel really terrible but I was also really glad that children our age were talking about such global issues. 

Evidence (Certificate)-

All in all, the MUN was great and a huge learning experience. It made me reflect on myself and helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, while also making me improve and develop new skills and techniques. I also learned a lot about international laws and politics, which for me is a huge benefit. 


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