Educational Trip – Mount Abu (trekking and rock climbing)

For an educational trip I visited Mount Abu with the school. We participated in multiple activities such as, trekking, caving, and rock climbing. I have done physical activities such as these, since I like taking risks and putting myself in situations that challenge me, but this time it felt too easy. It was fun getting a chance to go out with friends, playing new team building games to develop relationships with my peers, and going through one of the worst changes in climate. 


LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

During the Treks in the trip, i was able to observe myself having mental toughness because even when it felt like they were not going to end or i wont be able to finish, i kept a strong state of mind and followed through. I also noticed that my endurance had dropped a lot because i was getting tired very easily which is something i can grow upon.


LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The walk included rough terrain, high inclines, and erratic weather. I had a number of difficulties during the journey, including altitude sickness and tremendous exhaustion, which pushed my physical and mental boundaries. I was able to overcome these difficulties though by learning new skills along the way. For instance, I discovered that taking regular rests, drinking plenty of water, and controlling my activity helped me acclimatize to the high altitude. Also, I discovered how to keep my balance and lessen the pressure on my legs.


LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I prepared well and was determined to finishing the hike. I made an smart choice in bringing things like caps, gloves, and thermal apparel so that i would not have much trouble. I maintained my fortitude and persisted despite the challenging circumstances. I divided the journey into doable objectives, maintained a steady pace, and took frequent stops to recharge. I kept reminding myself of my objective and the reward of reaching the peak. I was also motivated by the devotion and tenacity of my fellow trekkers, who stood as my positive examples.

The camp was very fun and thrilling. It was a good to get a break from school and the regular life.

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