ISSO volunteer

ISSO is a national games competition where students can demonstrate their athletic skills. Sports athletes can showcase their abilities at the International School Sports Organisation where all the IB school students take part from different cities of India. This ISSO football event took place at our school from October 6 to 10, 2022. I helped the coordinators of this event by volunteering.

LO 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
My strengths were handling the students that come to our school from various different schools and making them feel welcomed. The areas that needed improvement for me were in speaking with complete strangers since, despite being somewhat introverted and not being particularly receptive to new people, I had a lot of opportunities to socialize at this event.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
It rained during the ISSO days, causing many planned events to be rescheduled and necessitating smooth venue changes. My management abilities improved as a result of my volunteer work, and I also learned to have more patience and empathy for everyone.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
There was a group of volunteers checking for the many teams competing in the event, making sure when the matches began and ended on time, keeping an eye out for potential emergencies in case anyone was injured, and ensuring that each team member was there at the time. Everyone who volunteered split the work evenly, and we gave everyone a distinct duty because matches were taking place on various venues.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
After the event, I had my term end exams for term 1, which reminded me to set priorities. I also didn’t back out of the event and kept to my commitment to attend for a full 4 days before coming home to resume my studies and not let my studies suffer. My personal schedule-making and time management skills have improved as a result of this experience.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
Working as a team encouraged communication and increased social interaction among teammates and friends. Equally distributing the tasks also made the event more successful. By collaborating, we gained new views and improved our decisions, resulting in a more productive and enjoyable event.

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Due to the fact that students from other schools attended the event, the ethical decisions and acts that were made were essential because of how our school treated the students and how much respect it had for them. In order to establish strong bonds and leave a positive impression on them, we were kind and understanding with other newcomers and made them feel comfortable and invited to our school.

In conclusion, this was a great opportunity for me to engage with people and strengthen my communication skills. I also learned to be patient and kind to everyone, and by engaging more, I became more outgoing and inviting. Also, helping others left a positive impression and demonstrated strong ethics.


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