Distributing warm clothes to the night watchmans

In this experience my goal is to make sure that every watchman in my building with the night duties have enough clothes to be safe from the cold they face during the night and morning time and to achieve this goal I collected all the warm clothes like pajamas,sweaters,jackets,mufflers,gloves,cap etc and during the night time when I went to distribute the clothes I could see that most of the watchman didn’t have any warm clothes on in the extreme cold so the ones who didn’t had anything on received the whole pair of sweater and pajamas and some caps,gloves and jackets but in the end I was able to achieve my goal.

LO 7: “recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions” where I made a choice to distribute the warm clothes to my society watchman which my parents suggested  that the watchman needed it first than the people living on the street and I wasn’t sure of that but after distributing the clothes and seeing the smile on there faces was really joyful for me and was glad that I made a right choice.

LO 6: “demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance” as poverty and good health well being are one of the global issue so keeping that in mind I distributed the  warm clothes as the poor people can’t afford them and also they will not get sick from the cold.

My final takeaway is that as these was the first time I went by myself to do the service and it felt so good that I decided that I will help them like these in every seasons like monsoon season with the raincoats,umbrellas,boots etc everything that they can’t afford and especially while they are on there duties just to keep us safe.

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