Creative mela-discipline incharge

In this activity I was a discipline incharge of the whole creative mela event where my role was to make sure that whole event is going as planned and if anything goes wrong or any help is needed it is my responsibility to take care of it.

Learning outcomes achieved was:

LO 4:”show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience”

where I showed commitment in my experience and took my responsibilities of discipline in charge very seriously and I was able to achieve my goal successfully as the event went as planned.

LO 5:”Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively”

I was not the only discipline incharge in the event there were also 3 more with whom the process was much easier as we divided the work equally,if there was any issue during the event we solved it together and large crowds of student was handled easily by working together.I learned that by working together things can be handled in a easier way.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

If any student was misbehaving I took actions for it.I learned that for events to go smoothly proper discipline is needed.

Final take away was the developed management skills and more experience of how events are managed,these type of experiences and skills are very important for my career.

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