Gym training

In this activity I will be taking gym training where my whole body will be scanned and than according to the analysis of my body I will be training my body throughout the whole term and develop my body to stay fit as my goals are to get on the track of healthy lifestyle with daily workout and make changes in my daily diet and activities and do  what is best for my body.I will be in the constant supervision of my trainers so I am not doing my exercises wrong and make sure it is creating impact on my body.

My learning outcome was:

LO 2:”Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken,developing new skills in the process”

It was a big challenge for me to get regular with a healthy lifestyle as it takes time to get used to that lifestyle and during the process I also developed new skills and started to build muscles.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I found that that I have upper body strength so I focused more on that and trained it more and I found out that my lower body is weak so I focused on that part also and trained it more with the help pf my trainer and increased the strength.

My final takeaway was that daily workout and proper diet will prevent the diseases and helps you stay fit.

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