In this experience there will be more than 10 committees like WHO,Lok sabha etc where each student is assigned as the delegate of a country and than the delegates of countries debate on the given argument by the chair and the goal is to come to an end with a agreement and prepare the resolution papers for the given argument in order to make the committee successful.

My learning outcome was:

LO 2:”demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken,developing new skills in the process”

Participating in the FSMUN for the first time with so many experienced participants was really challenging to debate and understanding the rules and the role and by facing those challenges I was able to develop new skills on creative thinking and self management.

LO 5:”Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively”

During the debates there were situations where the delegates needs support from another delegate,so we formed a group to debate where we were able to bring up the good points together by supporting each others argument which was the benefit of working collaboratively.

After all it was something new for me and it was a really great experience I can imagine that how decisions are taken by countries regarding issues of the world and I am glad I got to experience it.

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