Global Odyssey

The event “Global Odyssey” was planned to assist collect money for charitable giving while also encouraging students to employ business acumen, economics, and business physiology. Students themselves planned several booths (food, entertainment, and activities) for the occasion. My friend and I decided to put up a stall of a game which everyone at the event would enjoy. We also planned to raise money through it.

LO1 : Identify own strengths and develop area for growth.

During the planning of what game we are going to organize for people to come on our stall and play, I identified my strengths and skills which would help us plan a interesting and fun game. The skills which I identified that would help us were communication skills and brainstorming skills. I identified my area of growth which was “procrastination” as there were few tasks which I procrastinated and thought I would complete it later but never did.

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Though my interest was linked to the stall handling and the event, there were various difficulties through the process and while resolving the issues I developed many new skills. For example, our stall consisted of just one small table and when there was a huge amount of crowd on our stall it was pretty difficult to handle them all and if my partner was not around then it was even more challenging. Due to this I enhanced my management skills.

LO4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

This event gave me the opportunity to show commitment and complete my CAS experience by contributing my ideas of the game and contributing all the efforts put for hosting it. Despite there being numerous amount of obstacles and challenges, we were successful in having a profitable event and showing perseverance in this CAS experience.

LO5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

As this event was not supposed to be done individually, I had my friend as my partner to host the game at our stall and my another friend who was the accountant. To make this a success we had to cooperate and work together with each of us bringing in the skills which they are good at. As we recognized skills of each team member, we were able to distribute work accordingly and were able to make this event profitable.

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