CAS Experience 4-Community Service

Education is a really important part of our lives. Developing certain skills is also a part of education. In the first three weekends of August 2023, our school gave us a chance to teach different skills to children from other schools during the event of community service. We taught the children about art and craft, ICT and even sports. I volunteered for art and craft for the event.

LO1 and 2: Before the event, I had my strengths in the area of origami. But in this event we also had to teach the students different forms of art such as painting and leaf art. For this event, I had to develop my art skills for this event and not only the children from other schools, but I learnt different forms of art too. This is how I developed the skill of making different forms of art.

LO3: This event required us to plan and initiate how we were going to teach and help children in different parts of their artwork. We had to plan how we were going to address different requests from different students and help them make whatever they like. 

LO6: Education is a necessity for everyone. Many children don’t get proper education and aren’t able to develop basic skills. In this event, I took a part in helping children develop fine motor skills which is an important skill to learn.

LO7: I had to consider the ethical implications of using the resources wisely and treating all students equally. For making the art we were provided with a lot of materials and I made sure they weren’t wasted. We also used materials like wooden sticks and leaves that were biodegradable. I also treated all the students equally and accounted all of them equally.

In the end, I had a lot of fun during this event as not only did I help children develop a few skills, but I developed a few skills and learnt new things along the way too.

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