Leaning new racket sport (Badminton) activity

Badminton is a racket sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles), who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net. Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racket so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponents’ half of the court. A rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground, and the shuttlecock may only be struck once by each side before it passes over the net.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

In the context of learning badminton, addressing LO2 involves actively seeking out challenges within the sport, and as a result, developing new skills.

While learning the sport, at the first glance I was unable to serve the shuttle in a proper techniques, Skill-specific Challenges, then as its a fast game I was unable to meet the timings and judgements were missguiding. So then after I practiced upon these three points and played it with my school buddy, and leanrned the techniques through, other like the players of surat tennis club, then few coaches outside the school. Then through this I devloped upon these weaknesses and improved my games to atleast an average player Technical Proficiency Tactical Knowledge. I gave my 100% efforts for this sport, and currently I practiced and played singles only, as in this sport doubles needs a lot of coordination, spped and timings.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

In the context of learning badminton as a CAS activity, demonstrating perseverance and commitment is crucial for personal growth and skill development. Here’s how a student might fulfill LO4 through their badminton experience:

So mainly there were two reasons of learnig the sport (Badminton) because, I was intrested in playing and learning a new solo sport, and to fullfill my CAS requirements as well. So I showcased perseverance and commitment in CAS. My regular practice was atleast 2 hours a week for this sport, active participationa and time-management. By consistently practicing, overcoming challenges, actively participating, continuously learning, and sharing her knowledge, I exemplified perseverance and commitment in badminton CAS experience. Through this journey, I have not only developed my badminton skills but also hones essential life skills such as resilience, discipline.

LO7:- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions. Fair Play like Learning Badminton: Every sport, including badminton, has rules that govern fair play. Learning the sport involves understanding and following these rules.
Ethical Consideration: Recognizing the ethics of choices in badminton involves strict adherence to the rules. Ethical players strive for fair competition, avoiding actions that could lead to rule violations or unfair advantages. Integrity and Honesty, Learning Badminton: Honesty is crucial in badminton, especially when it comes to calls on the court regarding whether a shuttlecock was in or out.

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