Beach Clean-Up

Cleanliness is very important virtue in our life and we should follow it on our daily basis. And we should keep our environment clean , room clean , and many more places which are near by us . And everyone should do it for their country or city and to prevent away from the diseases and to stay healthy. And also, cleanliness keeps us prevented from germs, mosquitos and few diseases. Few people likes to keep their surrounding clean and lives healthy. Cleanliness also teaches everyone that how everyone should live in their life . If there is no hygiene then, Unhygienic conditions may cause a death and many number of deaths are recorded as it across the country. If anyone person starts keeping their house, society,apartment, or etc clean then many people will inspire from them and they will also start keeping clean and used to start keeping  their surroundings clean. Cleanliness also shows how you are staying in your life. And it also teaches everyone how to stay safe from diseases and germs in their everyday routine.

Cleanliness shows that how passionate are you to keep your surroundings clean and I learned how to keep our house, public places and my room. As a part of my CAS experience, I decided to contribute a part of Surat Beach Clean up drive which was organized by Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) and under that few Organizations were also helping them in that. I have learned from this CAS experience is that, how much waste should we do and how it harms to the ecosystem.

Learning Outcomes:-

LO:4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences 

I demonstrated perseverance and commitment in this beach cleaning, is that we had to go and pick up  the waste which was there and not from one place on the beach, but from the different places throughout the beach. Things were seen on the way , and we got delay, became lazy , lost concentration and not done , but we got inspired from our friends and started cleaning beach. We struggled to stay accomplished with our goals because we had lack of consistency.

LO:5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 

Working together rather than alone increases , productivity and offers group members a sense of purpose in the event and hence , saves time and also increases speed of the work. Working with group makes our task easier, and especially with this activity , it made our work easier while working in small groups was more productive because it can be done properly but it takes little more time rather than working in big group. Leadership have a direct control on a group’s capacity to carry out its execution. It is also required to ensure that everyone in the group is heading towards the same direction or not . Working collaboratively would save everyone’s time and can do more work , but the productivity will be weaker than working in small group of people.

LO:6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 

The worldwide significance of dirty and un-cleaned coastal regions can’t be magnify. Trash collection on beaches may end up as marine debris. As a result, trash-filled beaches harm the ecology , marine life, and also threat to sustainability. This CAS experience addressed the issue of land and air pollution, which developed as a result of people’s carelessness in throwing garbage on the beaches without considering the environmental consequences. The garbage or waste which is there on the beaches led to air pollution and land pollution because, it gets there on the beach and after few days it starts  smelling very bad.

LO:7 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I participated in this beach clean-up, and I became a part of this social cause to save the seas by preserving them from the contaminants that save the ocean life. This decision was social because of the benefits to our society, and my contribution to environment.

Evidence of beach clean up:-


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