Trekking CAS

So this year my school decided to take a nature camp in Mount Abu. It is a hill station station in the Aravali ranges in the state of Rajasthan in western India.we did a lot of activity in the nature camp like rick climbing , caving and trekking. I personally learned a lot from this trip. It taught me how rough mother nature can be on use human if we did not prepare for it. These are the LO I have acquired from this trip:


While I went trekking for the first time I had no idea what to do and what no do. If I had to carry a water bottle or a whole bag.if I had to wear casual shoes or o wear sports shoes. Luckily I packed everything I needed. when we went trekking for the first time I wore normal shoes which was a horrible decision, I twisted me ankle multiple time and regret the decision, and I drank a lot of water which is not ideal my spleen was hurting bad and was not the right idea to drink water. The new day when we went for trekking I learned from all the mistake I made yesterday and it went pretty well.


When It was time for the second trek, I prepared myself with a proper trekking shoes, gloves cause did not want to scratch my hand and enough water. Went we went to ledge we had to climb the mountain which was tough but the worst part being the the rock. I bleed a little from my hand in the first climb but in the next one I was smart enough to take gloves which helped a lot. While climbing the rock they taught us they there should always be three point contact which would help us climb better.


So everyday at the nature camp we had to wake up early. We woke up around 6 and we left for the activity at around 7:30. It might sound easy but it was too cold to handle sometime.t either you dont want to leave your bed and just sleep because we were too tired and it was too cold to get out of our bed. But, regardless how cold it was I still woke up showered and warmed up with a little walk without any excuse because I knew it would be worth it in the end.



Team work was the only thing that got me through the whole trek. They instructed us that we need to carry food and water bottle both in a small all bag. The problem bring that no one brought a small bag. So we all came together and kept our bottle and food in one big bag and carry it. We change bags every 15 minutes so no one would get tired.


What I saw frequently on the trek was some kind of trash it was either plastic or some wrapper of some tobacco which was not ok. So I just picked all the wrapper on the way and put it in a dustbin when we got back to the camp.


I collected a lot of trash while I was on the trek. It was really disappointing that people would trash such a place . People need to beware that this is nature and not there dustbin because they keep throwing there trash everywhere. If we start a campaign that would make people aware of this situation it would help a lot. Because this is mother nature we are talking about so they need to be aware. It not only here where people keep throwing trash everywhere. I have seen multiple nature park and mountain where people do this. The campaign will not only help the nature but makes the world a better place.


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