Creative mela volunteer

I volunteered at a creative mela organized at my school. A creative mela is a gathering of students from all grades where they engage in several creative activities that enhance everyone’s gross motor skills.

LO 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
I taught the kids how to make origami because I already have creative abilities. Children in grades 7, 8, and 9 were attending this event. I improved my communications skills by talking to the youngsters and encouraging them to learn innovative creative skills. One of my favorite experiences involved stepping outside of my comfort zone and doing something I had never done before. It helped me socialize more with others and gave me a chance to demonstrate my creativity-related learning.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Many of the kids were uninterested in this event because they didn’t all enjoy the arts or haven’t ever engaged in creative activities, thus it was tough for me to hold their attention. As a result, I persuaded everyone to participate and got them involved in the creative activities I undertook. Therefore, by encouraging the kids to do new things and teaching them a skill they had never learned before, I improved my gross motor skills and communications skills.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
I started this CAS plan by discussing with my teammate who was there when engaging the kids about the ideas we were going to teach them and how we were going to do it. The event was more productive for the children since we organized it in a way that was simple for them to embrace and something they would like doing.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
I was committed and diligent throughout the event since teaching our juniors to maintain patience was difficult. Because some of the kids weren’t used to the creative activities we conducted, they tended to make mistakes and moved more slowly than us. We had to maintain our composure and help them understand in different unique ways.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
During the activity, my friend and I worked together. We had contrasting perspectives, but by appreciating one another’s viewpoints, we were able to find points of agreement that allowed us to utilize our time wisely and complete things that were beneficial. We also separated our responsibilities, which enabled us to balance all of the students much more effectively.

Learner Profiles:
Open minded – by listening to the students’ perspectives as well. Communicator – while sharing my ideas to the students and making them do creative work. Caring – by being patient with the students and caring about all the types of students because a few weren’t able to do so.

I chose this CAS experience because this volunteering helped me with developing my creative skills more and even enhanced in communicating with the students and also learning something new from them. I was consistent and committed to my work, because handling a few students was difficult but I managed in the students to engage into the creative activities.


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