GYM Training | Activity

Since the past few months I have been concerned about fitness and my interest in it has developed significantly. I have not always been a sporty person,however, since the past few months I have observed a devastating change in myself , I felt the urge to stay fit and strong in whatever ways possible. Hence, I considered going to the gym to exercise in order to maintain my health and fitness. Since I am a non-athletic person, this activity will truly motivate me to stretch my abilities and try something new.

  • LO 1: Identify their own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

As I mentioned, I had never shown any dedication towards working out and have never properly worked out before, and so for me going to the gym each day and every exercise felt like a challenge at first. At the earliest I found it extremely challenging to get my form right. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses is very important to have a reflective and efficient experience. I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses on the first day itself. In order to get my positioning right I decided to consult a trainer in order to avoid any injuries. As for my abilities, I was aware of my great level of tolerance, so I made the decision to eat well and exercise since those two things are frequently considered as the ideal formulas for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.



My strengths was I had good flexibility which was very helpful in getting better muscle coordination along with reducing risk of injuries. My cardiovascular endurance was high as I used to run long distances and so I also had great leg strength. Pushing my limits in the training and not giving up easily were the best strength of me which kept me moving. My weakness was mainly my arm strength which made movements such as pull ups very difficult. I had a very weak core and almost zero strength and stamina and so with persistent practice and several core workouts I tried to push myself further and gain  better results.

After identifying my weaknesses, it made it easier for me to improve upon it as I was able to set a definite goal. I worked on my weaknesses by focusing more on those parts of my body. I started doing assisted chin ups which greatly helped me improve my arm strength which may gradually progress to doing body weight pullups sooner.


  • LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Every exercise regimen was difficult for me at first because I had never been a sporty person before. The hardest thing for me was finding time in my hectic schedule to go to the gym. Being an IBDP student makes time management extremely challenging, and I have to make sure everything is balanced to avoid hindering my academic progress. I also had to conquer the challenge of getting up early each day to workout, so I made the decision to sleep in early in order to maximise my mornings and be much more productive.This minor change immediately paid off because I was more productive and enthusiastic throughout the day. I lacked the strength to complete many of the exercises, thus they were difficult for me. It was made considerably more difficult by the fact that I had never done something comparable before. I overcome this difficulty by beginning with simpler iterations of the movement and advancing progressively to the full workout. I felt wonderful about taking on this challenge since it forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and attempt something new.  It was difficult to maintain consistency and change my diet. In order to achieve my goal, I had to fight against my desires and wants. I’m relieved and grateful that I took on this challenge since it allowed me to glimpse the fitness enthusiast side of myself that I had previously been unable to. I’m glad I took on this task since I never realised how driven and resilient I truly was.

  • LO 3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience 

I planned my schedule using Google Calendar so that I could balance going to the gym with my other commitments. To meet my overall fitness goals, I created a weekly plan with my trainer that included a specific target body region for each day. I don’t tend to be very organized, so it’s hard for me to schedule my days and block off time for exercise. As a result of doing this every day, I’ve come to realise how simple it is for me to stick to a routine after I’ve established one. I also came to the realisation that planning is a vital task since it enables us to accomplish our priorities in the limited  time we have. I also discovered an app called “strong” in which I could plan my workout and note down everyday’s sets (weight as well as number of repetition) which helped me observe the improvements. Initiating the plan helps you in the execution towards the goal in mind. Planning ensures a framework and helps you stay in check


  • LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Commitment and perseverance was necessary in this activity as I had to go to the gym everyday even when I had soreness in muscles.When I decided to take on this challenge, I had little to no confidence in my ability to see it through. However, after exercising consistently for months, I find myself incredibly surprised today because I persisted through the end. However, I have demonstrated perseverance and a commitment to pushing my limits from the beginning to the end. At first, I found it difficult to perform more than half of the exercises, such as burpees, pushups, and many others, which demotivated me and made me want to give up.  but my trainer had faith in me and encouraged me to keep working out so that I could stay fit. I worked out for an hour and a half every day, excluding Sundays, and I pushed myself to my limits. Now, four months later, I am very happy with myself because I have made significant progress. I realized that commitment is crucial as it makes you more disciplined and successful.


All in all, I’m happy that I accepted and overcame this task. It helped me gain a lot of strength and stamina in addition to making me fitter and healthier. This activity also benefited others because I was able to inspire others to start exercising.  Throughout this experience I portrayed several learner profiles including risk taker and balanced. I had the courage to accept this challenge, and I was persistent in my pursuit of success. In terms of maintaining balance, eating wholesome foods and exercising every day of the week assisted me to remain mentally and physically well. I also showcased the SDG – Good Health and Well Being. After this experience, I developed a much different perspective on fitness as I became aware of how challenging it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In my experience, I was successful, and it made me thankful for the work I put into it.



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