Community Service

Nowadays, the education system has become too expensive making it difficult for poor people to get the opportunity of studying in a good school and getting quality education. This is the main reason why there is a high illiteracy rate and low literacy rate in India. Nowadays where the world is going online and people are being more dependent on technology, many people in India don’t even know how to use computers/laptops. Since every year our school offers the students to be a part of a community service program, where they can act as a teacher and teach those underprivileged students different skills like ICT, Football, Frisbee, etc. I chose to volunteer to teach ICT due to the fact that many people don’t know how to use a laptop/computer in a century where knowing technology is a must.

The LO’s that I used were:

LO 3:
We had to divide the kids into groups based on their ages and academic abilities with the help of our supervisor to handle things appropriately. We didn’t do any preparation prior to the sessions, so we had to change certain things based on what the kids wanted to study or already understood. Planning ahead was somewhat necessary in this situation, but we also had to be prepared for change and for our plans to fall through, which we were.

LO 5:
Teamwork was crucial for this because I worked with my classmates from school. We divided up the tasks according to our areas of expertise and managed to work together without any big issues. Although there were some difficulties along the way when some people didn’t participate enough or assist the children, these issues were quickly resolved because the majority of us shared the same purpose, which was to educate the children. Given the large number of children we had to manage, this teamwork was essential.

LO 6:
A significant problem throughout the world, particularly in developing nations, is a lack of education, whether it is of high quality or not. This supports co curricular and extracurricular activities in addition to academic demands. I had a tremendous chance to tackle this worldwide issue through this experience.

The Learning profile I developed during this experience was communicator since I had to communicate with those children in the language they knew and they (mostly the young ones) knew only Gujarati and Gujarati language is not my strongest language, so I had to find different ways to communicate with them.

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