Beach Cleaning

Beaches are one of the most visited places in the world, which makes them prone to land pollution, which harms the environment in many different ways. Also because beaches are near sea/oceans, polluting beaches highly affects marine life. So to keep them clean, me and my friends volunteered in a beach cleaning activity organized by an NGO on the World Coastal Clean-Up Day. This also contributed to the SDG – Life on Land.


LO’s I followed during this service were:


  • LO4: It took commitment to finish this CAS Experience because I had to get up early and spend a couple of hours cleaning the beach. Additionally, I had to dedicate myself to cleaning a certain region of the beach thoroughly because of the time constraints. It was easy for me to demonstrate dedication and perseverance during this CAS experience since I do not find it difficult to be persistent with whatever I commit to.
  • LO5: To finish the task before the deadline, we had to collaborate. By assigning roles, we demonstrated the collaboration that was required. While one person stood with a bag to gather garbage, the others would pick up random stuff while other people picked up plastic waste like disposables. Because we were friends, we understood one another and had no trouble getting along in a situation where cooperation was required to operate quickly and efficiently.
  • LO6: Around the world, there is a severe issue with sanitation and cleanliness. Usually, we disregard the tremendous harm that plastic causes to the environment and end up leaving our surroundings littered. The beach is harmed when there is more plastic waste on a beach because it ends out in the ocean. I desired to participate in this event since this understanding made me feel responsible for our environment.
  • LO7:  By taking part in this activity, I was able to educate people about the value of cleanliness while also doing the right thing. This might have also started a domino effect and motivated more people to volunteer to clean beaches.


The learner profiles that helped me during this service are:

  • Communicator: As mentioned earlier I communicated with my friends to save time and clean as much of beach as possible
  • Reflective: I reflected on the actions of humans and how it affected nature
  • Caring: I cared about the environment and helped in this service.

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