Dumas beach cleaning (Service)

In this CAS experience, I have shown love towards life below water by cleaning the beach in my city. During the weekends, my friends and I cleaned major garbage which was loitering around. Our goal was to clean as much trash as possible that had been dumped in various places on the Dumas beach. We did show kindness towards nature by an act of cleaning the beach for hours.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

During this CAS experience, I showed perseverance and commitment towards the goal of cleaning the beach. We were tired after working for 2 hours on the first day, walking for long distances and searching for trash around various places nearby. Hence, commitment and perseverance was required for going on the next day as the major part of the beach was left to clean. It is easy for me to commit to things, as I complete any activity which is held without any distractions.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Being an ambivert, I am good at socializing with people around me. During this activity, It was easy for me to collaborate and work together. The benefit of working together was such that, I would have not been able to gather much trash if I was working alone, but because of my friends I was successfully able to achieve what I had wanted for the life below water. It is important to work in groups or collaboratively, because they help us save our time and achieve efficiency in our work.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The major issue which I have noticed is that people visit places for their enjoyment purpose but tend to pollute the place around. The issue is important globally, because it is scientifically proven that any garbage loitering around for a longer period of time pollutes the air or water. As it releases toxic chemicals which are harmful to humans and animals. Hence, dirty beaches are a threat to sustainability. It makes me feel good enough that life below water would become much better after my CAS experience.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

The actions and choices taken against the pollutants in the ocean were ethical   because it will help save the living organisms under the ocean, the health of humans and the life of stray animals from consuming litter. This activity made me feel guilty, if otherwise the beach were filled with trash it could harm the marine ecosystem.

Final takeaway

I was successfully able to complete the CAS experience, It gave me an insight about the global issue of environment. I have realized that we throw a lot of litter around the beaches without knowing the cause. I had developed the Learner profile: Communicator and Caring as a result of this CAS experience. Caring because I had shown my careness for life below water by gathering trash and cleaning the coastal area. Also, I was able to communicate with my friends in order to work efficiently.





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