Flyboarding is a water sport that involves the use of a jet-powered board that is connected to a watercraft (usually a jet ski) by a long hose. The watercraft pumps water through the hose and out of nozzles on the bottom of the board, propelling the rider into the air.

I did Flyboarding twice for 2 hours on the 31st of December and the 1st of January, I decided to give try on flyboarding at a private island that had various water rides like Jet skii, kayaking, speed boats, and flyboarding. However, I was determined to learn flyboarding with help of my instructor Mr. Rahul who has been instructing people with a lot of experience in all the water rides.

LO’s met:

-LO1:(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

I discover my true self while learning how to Flyboard which was the spirit to not give up no matter how many times I fell from the skies while learning the sport, This discovery of spirit in me boosted my confidence and motivated me a lot.

– LO2 – (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)

It is important to learn how to control the watercraft, to maintain a stable and safe ride. You should be physically fit, as flyboarding requires good balance and coordination. Balancing was the most challenging task throughout my task because the Flyboard completely depended on my balance I was not stable enough to stand still on the board one first day of Flyboarding or control the board according to my will so I kept falling from the board numerous times. However, I was very excited to face the challenge. Nevertheless,  my instructor Mr. Rahul helped by giving me some exercise and reducing the challenges for me, By teaching me the basics of the sport and providing me with proper training and equipment. The instructor started me off with basic maneuvers, such as hovering and ascending, and then progress to more advanced techniques, such as spinning and diving which, helped me improve my balance this was how I made a new skill and undertook a challenge.

-LO3 -( Initiate and plan a CAS experience)

I had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to learn Flyboarding nearest to my house and also I had to pre-plan for my CAS experience as it was difficult to find a venue where Flyboarding was done near my house. Until I finally located a place called “Dudhala” which had an island owned by a business firm called HK diamonds. Then, I tried to contact the owners many times so they can help me complete my CAS experience along with my few friends in December during our holidays. Yet, their response came late I had to call the owners many times and arrange a meeting until they finally gave us permission to use and learn Flyboarding along with an instructor to make sure we were safe and out of danger throughout the learning process.

-LO4:(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)

Perseverance is important when learning Flyboarding because it is a challenging sport that requires a significant amount of physical strength and coordination. Additionally, it may take some time for a new flyboarding like me to become comfortable and confident with the equipment and the movements involved. It was important to be patient with myself and to practice regularly to make progress and improve my skills.

My Commitment was also important when Flyboarding because it requires a significant investment of time and effort to become proficient at the sport.  Additionally, the sport requires a certain level of physical fitness and requires that I be comfortable in the water. To become proficient in flyboarding, I must be willing to invest the time and effort to learn the necessary skills and practice them regularly. Once you take the step to become a fly boarder it was as important to be committed to practice, safety and self-improvement to reach an expert level.

Evidence :

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