Global University Fair

Global University Fair was organized at Fountainhead school to provide knowledge of admission processes and requirements of different universities and colleges for high school students across the city and shortlist universities to attend in the future. More than 75 university representatives from around the globe engaged in this fair, setting up their unique booth. These representatives enlightened students on the basic requirements to get accepted to their chosen college and how the admission process works and is executed.

I volunteered at the Global university Fair held on 16 November 2021. Responsibilities allotted to me included Food management and Crowd management.

LO’s met:

-LO1:(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

I identified my strengths and weaknesses throughout the time I was fulfilling my duties. Now that I got to know these strengths and weaknesses, I feel I can serve better the next time when I would volunteer in the future and continue to improve. It is important to know our strengths and weaknesses because that is the only way we can get better.

- LO2 – (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)

The challenging part was completing both food and crowd management at the same time. It was so chaotic and troublesome as managing both tasks at the same time requires a lot of focus and concentration. However, It helped me improve and build new skills like time managerial skills and keep calm in chaotic times in the future.

-LO4:(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)

Perseverance was a crucial factor in my responsibilities as crowd controls all over the venue required a lot of time and engagement with the crowd to move aside, clear the path and keep moving repetitively with politeness to maintain the decorum of the event and reduce the mess around the venue thus, showing perseverance was necessary to help fulfill one of my duties which was crowd management otherwise, not showing perseverance during a crucial time or throughout the event would have to lead me to panic and spoil the event.

No task can be 100%  efficient without self-commitment to the task thus, I made sure I was committed throughout my period of volunteering to run the event smoothly and efficiently to reduce the chances of any flaws and trouble during the fair.

-LO5:(Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)

As I was one of the volunteers we had to take major commands from my organizers of this fair. Also, collaborating and working together with other volunteers was required so that the global university fair is completed as quickly as possible. Effective communication was one of the skills demonstrated while working collaboratively as giving reports of the current situations and status at decided intervals of time was mandatory thus, miscommunication would have led to a waste of time for all and also led to creating communication barriers for us.

Working collaboratively benefited me as the task and burden we divided amongst all the volunteers and organizers to make work more productive and reduce the burden of responsibilities.

Volunteering at the global university fair was very helpful for me as I got to adapt and uncover many skills and many useful techniques which could be helpful in my daily life situations. Not just me the fair also helped students attending the fair, hopefully, many of their queries and doubts were solved during the event.

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