French immersion is a type of education program in which students are taught primarily in French, to achieve fluency in the language. This can be done through various methods, such as having French-speaking teachers, using French-language materials and resources, and encouraging students to speak and think in French. French immersion programs are often used in bilingual or multilingual education settings and are designed to help students gain language proficiency and cultural understanding.

I participated and participated in the Decor core team and Bingo teams for French immersion.

LO’s met:

-LO1:(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

As I was part of the decor team I was assigned many tasks like drawing, painting, cutting layouts, etc. At the start, I was assigned to work on designing infographics which is when one of my colleagues recognized my strength which included painting and drawing. I was pretty shocked that my hidden strengths came to light from someone else and not from me. Not to mention, I realized my strengths in painting and drawing. It came out as very useful information for my future.

– LO2 – (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)

I was a decor executive for the french immersion event thus, it was very hard for me to organize and handle all the materials useful for our decor team. when I started my job I was very nervous about giving commands to my peers however, later my peers turned out to be very supportive and friendly thus, I could execute all the plans and decor very effectively.


 -LO3 -( Initiate and plan a CAS experience)

As an executive leader for french immersion, I had to start preparations for the event in order to make resources available in the future when the event was going to take place. To make that possible I made a list listing all the necessary resources like colors, charts, scissors, etc. and then give the list to my event coordinator a month prior to the event.


-LO4:(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)

Perseverance plays a critical role in French immersion as it helps us to overcome difficulties and continue learning the language. It requires persistence and determination to achieve fluency in a second language and become proficient in it, especially for students who are still in the process of acquiring the language. Perseverance helps me to maintain my motivation, stay focused on my goals, and overcome challenges along the way. This attribute is essential for success in French immersion and was developed through various activities and practices such as consistent exposure to the language, seeking help when needed, and setting achievable language learning goals.

-LO5 -(Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)

Enhanced Verbal Communication, Participating in group activities like Bingo encouraged me and my fellow peers to practice their verbal communication abilities in French. Enhanced Cultural Understanding, Working together with peers from other backgrounds enables me to comprehend and value various viewpoints, cultures, and traditions. Increased Confidence, confidence, and self-esteem, which are crucial for success in language acquisition, are developed via teamwork and taking on tasks. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Working together to complete and execute tasks and solve difficulties helps students hone their problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities.
Teamwork and leadership abilities were developed through group work as I learn to assign tasks, collaborate on decisions, and work toward a common objective.

Working collaboratively benefited me as the task and burden we divided amongst all the volunteers and organizers to make work more productive and reduce the burden of responsibilities.

Evidence :

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