Sharkhead Event

Our school recently organised event similar to shark tank India. But it was called shark head, the fountainhead version  of it and it was something I had never done. This has personally helped me in a lot of ways and it was a fun experience.these are the learning outcome-


Being the host of the event meant that I had to present each group, which was difficult for me. I had never previously done it. I had to face my extreme fear when talking in front of crowd, which made it quite tough for me. I need to find a way to get through this dread.i practiced everyday in front of the mirror to talk perfectly add not stumble. And the other thing was that we also had to write the script, which also was a huge problem. We had to make so many changes in the script but it was all worth it in the end because from this event I leaned how to write a proper script if I ever needed to write one.


The main thing I had to do is to practice everyday. It is a big deal for me to not mess up on this event. It was a big opportunity for me so I had to practice at least once a day to get a flow of how the vent will go on and all. And for the script all I did was make changes along the way when I was practising and it was all set.


One of the major thing that I have learned how important teamwork is in this kind of event. If it was not for all the people to work together this event would not have been this exciting and creative as it was. Everyone put there personal inputs in the event which was extremely important it was. It was lovely that everyone worked together to improve the overall quality of the event. And the major thing that I heard that teamwork makes the dream work 

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