Educational trip to Mount. Abu

As an educational Trip organized by the school, with our school friends and teacher we went off on a trip to Mount. Abu. A completely different experience that we never had waited for us. The main trip was of 4 days with 2 to 3 days of traveling and lasted from 13th December 2022 to 18th December 2022. Personally, this trip was very exciting for me, as I have already done trekking previously but never with my school friend and I knew this trip was going to be a completely new experience. In these 4 days, we took part in various activities like Trekking, Rappelling, Rock climbing, Zipline, and Caving. During this time, we got to know more about our body’s present limitations which need to be eradicated for better physical health. Over all this Educational trip, didn’t only teach us rather helped us build stronger connections between friends and our own bodies.

LO 1- Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

As we performed multiple physical activities, I slowly and one by one came to find out my strengths and weaknesses. Despite knowing about my high level of stamina, I significantly improved those levels as going on a trek for consecutive days was enough physical activity to do. I also developed risk-taking skills as many of the activities required a lot of courage. Moreover, the other thing that I found out about myself was my high pain tolerance, as on the last-second trek I wore the wrong pair of shoes thinking it would be fine; but later I was proven wrong, and because of that one mistake, I had a running blister. However, despite that problem and pain, I was able to continue and complete the remaining trip without missing out on anything.

LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The campsite that we stayed in was somewhat about 4000 ft. of altitude. So it was important that I had to get my mind and body to get used to the daily physical extermination and coldness. For which I had to maintain doing exercise and daily warm-ups, despite the surroundings not being the best and preferred for such, but taking care of my well-being was my priority. Moreover, the other challenge that every student faced was body hygiene, as we had to wake up somewhere about 6 in the morning and the water available for the bath was cold, but considering the importance of hygiene, I took the challenge and actually took cold water baths early every morning every day. This all made me come out of my comfort zone, maintain my health and consider those discussions right now; I think they were important and correct.

LO 3- Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Knowing about the trip and the amount of trek that we were going on. I planned to increase my cardio exercise one month before the trip. This planning actually helped me throughout, as many of the students were struggling with tiredness and restlessness. I was able to enjoy the environment and the rare sight that we got to see up close with a clear sky. Not only this but planning for the necessity based on the location and other factors helped me to know more about my personal requirement for physical well-being and properly enjoyable treks like the type of shoes, clothes, and go-to snacks on a trek. Over all this planning helped me to enjoy the trip much more and it was worthwhile for all the things.

LO 6- Engagement with issues of global significance.

“Good health and well-being” is a global issue in today’s time. Many people don’t take care of their physical health by making careless decisions about their food intake and the daily activity they perform. All this results in poor health, being highly prone to deadly diseases, and a poorly maintained body that can lead to heart attack, cholesterol build-up, and many other problems. Moreover, I personally think that engaging in daily physical exercise helps to maintain and improve our mental well-being. The mental state to overcome laziness helps to improve our tolerance and healthy mindset. Knowing all this at an individual level, I am more pushed to look after my physical and mental health and well-being after the trip.

LO 7- Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Being an environmentalist, I have always considered and watched after my actions that could negatively affect mother nature. Throughout this trip, I had been careful about not throwing any trash in the open and had also warned my friends regarding the same. On top of this many times, while walking and trekking, I used to collect any litter that is present on the path or forest. This helped me to enjoy the trip and at the same time help with a global issue personally.


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