Online course in SCM and HRM

From grade 10, I was curious about how supply chain management works and what it is. Recently, I completed a basic online course in supply-chain management and human resource management, which not only provided me with knowledge but also helped me develop various skills. Also, these both courses are interconnected.

LO1: Identify Own Strengths and Develop Areas for Growth

Throughout the online course, I became aware of my strengths and potential growth areas. I discovered that my analytical and problem-solving abilities were excellent, and I was able to employ them well when I studied supply chain management. Yet, I also acknowledged that there were several topics on which I was lacking information, such as supply chain management’s legal ramifications and some history of supply chain management. To get around this, I took more time to learn about the legal elements and conduct research, which improved my knowledge and understanding.

LO2: Demonstrate That Challenges Have Been Undertaken, Developing New Skills in the Process

My ability to learn new skills in teamwork, communication, and project management was tested by the online course. I became aware as I moved through the course that to effectively handle the workload, I needed to strengthen my time management and organizing abilities. Using internet message boards, I also worked on enhancing my communication abilities.

LO4: Show Commitment to and Perseverance in CAS Experiences

I have to be dedicated and persistent throughout the online course to pass. Because the course was self-paced, I had to be in charge of my learning and make sure I didn’t veer off course. I persisted and finished the course within the allotted time despite having to manage my time and balance my workload with other obligations.

In conclusion, the online course on supply chain management and human resource management provided me with an excellent opportunity to develop my personal and professional skills. I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to applying my skills and knowledge. I have gained in my future endeavors. Also, this course will aid me in the future for college coursework.

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