Culture Capsule

“Culture Capsule” is a student-organized group, that we started and it’s all about knowing, and exploring culture and their tradition, ritual, beliefs, and values from different parts of India and organizing events to help underprivileged kids and also in school events. Culture capsule is run by 6 students of grade 11 as the O.C. team; Tithi Vaghasiya, Vama Boghara, Yaksh Patel, Yug Savani, me (Yug Patel), and Yuvika Gupta. This is one of the only kind clubs in the fountainhead school. We even have an Instagram account where we share about our culture and post about the event that we organized. This all started on 22nd September 2022 and we intend to continue this, until our last day of school. The reason behind starting this group was that we generally only read that India has so many different cultures but we as a group wanted to know more about them and also its history.

LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

This whole project started and is operated while our school is still going on. All the event and their management are done hand in hand with our daily school life. So there are quite a many challenges and problems that we are facing on daily basis. The most frequent and biggest challenge is the clashing of school-oriented deadlines and curricular work. Managing the meeting time and the deadlines for school and personal work clash on daily basis. The other one is us in Grade 11, we have some extracurricular work that limits the available time slot to work on the project. For instance, for early application having good grades is the key; Which means investing more time in studies. On top of this, Internal assessments, Language Oral, and many more things consume a lot of time. However, by managing the event dates and the completion of deadlines we end with just enough time to complete and stay on track to not miss anything. However most of the time it is a close call for the whole team.

LO 3- Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

This all started with a group discussion on the different cultures and traditions that we all have. however, we just read that there are many different cultures in India but we never learn or try to know about them. So it all started, in the beginning, we only thought of having in school event but as we turned this group plan into a fully based project we thought of having, out of school drive for orphan or less privileged children to have activities and let them know more about there culture. For this we started planning about 2 weeks prior to deciding upon the activity, rolling out the form for volunteers, and deciding upon the place we would go to. This all required plenty of amount of time to coordinate with the school.

LO 4- Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

As told previously we had a very tight schedule to work with, as most of the time the free timing did not match within the team. This frustrating time and the close call planning required a lot of commitment from the team member that they would not leave due to the high workload, However once in the starting a member left the group but I think it was better to leave then, rather than now, as of right now our project is like a building and we are the base pillar of it. Working under loads of pressure also requires perseverance from each team member. Organizing the event while we had other in-school events organizing makes it more demanding than before. As we do not have any other option and we have to; this shows how every member of the group shows perseverance and commitment towards culture capsule.

LO 5- Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Teamwork is one of the most important things for us to run the culture capsules for the upcoming time as we planned. Knowing that it would be a time and effort-demanding challenge when we planned it to be an actual student-based project. The project is wholly divided into parts dedicated to each Team member. All thanks to this division of workload and the interplay of working in a team, helped us to run all the events without any problems. Especially all the work is divided equally and based on the strength of individual team members so that all the work done is of a higher quality. This after all despite the close call of deadline teamwork helps to run this group project properly.

LO 7- Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Knowing that culture and religion are closely related, we had to put in extra effort to make sure that our team’s actions and events do not hurt any ones sentimental, values or beliefs in any such way. Knowing that cultural and religious beliefs are very upsettable to being offended as we personally do not know all about some-ones personal idea, or value belief. We have to consider the ethics of what we post on social media, what activities can be interpreted as, and at last, could it affect someone in a wrong way.


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