
In this CAS experience, I went on an educational trip to Mount Abu from school with my friends. It was a new experience for me as I went for an adventure for the first time. Although quite risky, I learned to have fun with nature and also tried to Indulge in adventure activities like Trekking, rappelling, Rock climbing etc. I also did cave exploring which was quite risky but in the end the view was worth it.


LO’s Explored –

  • LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As we had to trek long distances, which I had no problem with as I have good endurance I knew I would have no problem climbing steep mountains but everyday we had to get up early in the morning for which I had to sleep on time everyday.

  • LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The Goldenhorn chimney trek was the longest and the most dangerous of all, We had to climb up absurdly dangerous mountains and rock formations and it was very challenging but I did it for the breathtaking view which was at the height of 4,500 feet.

  • LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

Although the temperature there was very cold and the winds fast, We still had to get up everyday on time because of our tight schedule, If we didn’t wake up and depart on time the trek would delay which would bring in additional risks from nocturnal animals, The treks were hard and dangerous and while we were given the option of not coming I still choose to go because of my commitment to the CAS experience.

  • LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

On the treks and various other activities, We were often paired up or were allocated groups as it would be beneficial for all of the group, We moved as a group, climbed as a group and this proved to be advantageous for us as well as our supervisors as they had to worry less about us.


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