Blog – School Community service – Service. – CAS

Poverty is not just a lack of money; it is not having the capability to realize one’s full potential as a human being. We all are separated by class or money hence some don’t get the opportunity to explore their potential in what they actually can do. My students didn’t have the opportunity to explore things like sports, art and craft, ICT, and science experiments. Hence I took this as a CAS experience, to help teach students from government schools for 3 weekends. I took the responsibility to teach art and craft to those students along with my friends. We taught them different types of art forms each day so they could learn more about it. 

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

The main challenge over here was managing the resources and the schedule entirely by ourselves. It was challenging to decide everything in a short period of time and assigned everyone roles in it. The skill that was developed by taking this challenge was that we learnt how to organize things by ourselves. 


LO 3 :Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I along with a few of my friends managed the schedule specifically for the art and craft sector, we asked for the needed resources for 6 days. On the first day we saw there were many students that were interested in this, hence because of more students we decided to change certain things on our initial plan, we had to be ready for the changes, which we were. 


LO5 :Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. 

I worked as a group in this, as teamwork was one of the main criteria. We divided roles according to our own abilities and strengths, like someone who was good at certain art will teach others that, someone who was good at managing resources and time like that we worked collaboratively. This teamwork was really important because of the number of students.


In conclusion, this service was really important/ helpful for the students as they learnt a lot of it from the activities done, they explored their point of interest. And we as a team helped them develop a new skill. The learner profile that was used in this was open minded as we thought from everyone’s perspective like what they can learn easily and won’t be difficult for them. The other learner profile used was communicator as we communicated in their mother tongue Gujarati and made sure they understand what we tell them.

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