Gym Training

From the very beginning, I used to be involved in different physical activity like dancing, outdoor games etc. However, a lot of changes occured after the pandemic. I started exploring different workout. I had the motivation to get up and workout. This experience has helped me reduce stress and feel mentally relaxed.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

One of my strength was my stamina. Before starting the gym, I was involved in different activities which build my stamina and helped me during gyming. This strength helped me lift more weight and do advanced exercises. Additionally, after doing the gym for longer time I was able to increase my endurance and strength.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

After I joined the gym, I figured out few of my weaknesses. One of them was waking up early. Initially, I was not able to wake up early in the morning. However after being regular and trying my level best, I was able to set my timetable accordingly and now, I feel refreshed after every session. Another challenge was to follow a healthy diet and avoiding fast food. It was very difficult to not eat fast food while going out, however I put all my power and avoided eating it as much as possible.

LO4: Show commitment and Perseverance in CAS experience

I used to work with 2 of my friends and trainers, 6 days a week. However, there were some moments when some of us were busy with some or the other events or deadlines. Because of this reason, we had reschedule our sessions and adjust it according to everyone’s availability. There used to be some days when I wished to skip the gym, but I did not give up and made it to most of the sessions.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the effects of working collaboratively

As I joined the gym with 2 of my friends, i learned how to work collaboratively with them. Every week, we used to do pair workouts like planks, russian twists etc. Working together also became a way of healthy competition as well as motivation.

LO7:- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

I belong to a family where we don’t eat non veg or even eggs. We believe that it is not fair to kill animals for the sake of our wants. However, there were many instances where my trainer and friends told me to eat this food as it contains high protein. Though there was high pressure, I didn’t go against my ethics and decided to stick to them.



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