JLF (7th Experience)

For this CAS experience, I went to Jaipur in January. The world’s grandest literature festival is held at this place and time. Our school took us there, and two teachers accompanied us. I attended various sessions over three days. These were the 21st of January, 22nd of January, and 23rd of January. I heard great famous speakers, including the likes of Shashi Tharoor. I also wrote two reflections after coming back. The sessions covered many global issues using literature and their books. All sessions were for 50 or 25 minutes and were insightful perspectives into today’s world order and aspects of human emotion.

LO 2:

I was very unwell during JLF. However, I still decided to go. My fever went up to 101.5 degrees in the underarms, but my determination remained unhindered. I also had diarrhoea and acidity. I still wanted to go to explore the beauty of literature.

LO 4:

Due to the complexity of the issues discussed, I often needed help understanding what was happening. I had to research online, read books, talk to my teachers, and analyse the sessions I had attended to get the most out of them.

LO 6:

Many sessions I attended focused on pressing contemporary global issues. Shashi Tharoor discussed democracy and the challenges the judicial system faces. I also learned about agriculture (peasants) and women’s rights (inside the military).

The experience was excellent, and I will always cherish the memories I created there.

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